Hardly any new building has been the subject of more discussion that Berlin’s Palace.

After six centuries, the Humboldt Forum was built on the site of the old Berlin Palace – the new old palace with an alternative usage concept.

The Palace with the Humboldt Forum is a very special building and certainly unique in Berlin in its form. Whereas the original palace façade has been rebuilt true to the original on three sides of the building, the side facing the River Spree has a modern design. The interior of the Palace with the Humboldt Forum is also modern. This is a form where various institutions from culture and academia can present themselves.

The Palace was almost completely destroyed in 1945 by an air raid during the Second World War. It met its final end in 1950: the magnificent building in Berlin’s Mitte district was blown up on Walter Ulbricht’s command. His successor, Erich Honecker, had the Palace of the Republic built on the site in 1971.

The “Palace” was demolished in 2008 due to severe asbestos contamination. The foundation stone of the new Palace was laid in 2013.

Architect C. Theyß, A. Schlüter, F. E. von Göthe, Source: Berlin.de.